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The Self Journey That Led Me to My Dad.

Every birthday I've had feels a little bit less exciting than the last. Maybe it has something to do with the wrinkles that are starting to show up on my face or the fact that squats are starting to hurt my knees. I spent a lot of time focusing on the fact that I wasn't in my early-twenties any longer and then before I knew it, I wasn't in my mid-twenties either. Soon enough, I won't be in my late twenties any longer. And you know what.... I'm okay with it.

It is a gift to have another birthday and grow older because it has given me a chance to really get to know myself and in turn, get to know others on a deeper level. Not all my relationships have stood the test of time. Some relationships have quietly ended while others have limped on. Some stand taller and stronger than they did when I was in my early and mid-twenties. One of the relationships that has grown stronger over the last 10 years is the relationship with my dad and I am eternally grateful for what we have built.

For the longest time, I thought I had absolutely nothing in common with my dad. He was a stable accountant and I was desperate to experience the world, wanting no part of a stable career or life. As I started experiencing the world, I saw my dad through different eyes. He was no longer just my dad, he was an entrepreneur, an adventurer, a risk-taker, and an understanding confidant. As I have grown and found my entrepreneurial stride, I have realized that I am a chip off my dad's block.

With Father's Day approaching, I've been thinking a lot about my dad, where our relationship has been, where our relationship is going, and where our relationship is today. I believe that I had to become who I was meant to be to grow my relationship with him. I feel so blessed to have my dad's blood running through my veins, to have his entrepreneurial spirit, his optimism, his love for accounting but desire for more.

Maybe, after all, that's the secret to enjoying getting older.... cherishing the relationships that time has strengthened.

Father's Day is right around the corner and we want to help you spend less time preparing, so you can spend more time celebrating what really matters.... your dad. Check out our Father's Day Gift Guide here.


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